Tuesday, June 23, 2009

10th ECR Run - Registrations Open

Registrations for the 10th edition of the ECR Run is open now!

Visit our website www.chennairunners.com and access the link provided at the right top section of the Home page or directly go to http://chennairunners.com/ievents for the registration.

Registration is mandatory for all participants. Registrations close on July 24, 2009. Spot registrations are discouraged to ensure a better organisation of the Event as well as providing runners with the best experience of a running event.

Payment Options:

We collect a moderate fee of Rs. 275 per head to defray the cost of organising the event. Payment can be made both on-line as well as off-line.

On-line Payment: This will be done through the secure Paypal website. Provide the necessary details required to make the payment from the Paypal Site. Since Paypal does not accept payment in Indian Rupees, we charge a fee of USD 6 for online registration (which includes 0.50 USD to defray the Paypal transaction charges). (Note:USD 5.5 is an approximation for Rs. 275. Actual exchange rates vary).

Off-line Payment: You can hand over the cash to one of the following persons during the weekly or weekend runs.

Ram Viswanathan - Runs from Dimensions Gym on weekdays
Hari Shankar - Runs from Dimensions Gym on weekdays
Bhargav - Runs in T.Nagar on Weekdays
Senthil - Runs in MCC on weekdays

You can also join us at Anna University for Sunday runs and make payments to any of the above persons. Another option is available this time. Ramani Sir has offered to receive payments at his office in Mylapore during weekdays. You can hand over the cash along with your Name and mail-id in a covering letter to:

Contact person: Ramani/Nimmy
Ramiah & Ravichandar
Chartered Accountants
18, GF, TNHB Commercial Complex,
Near: Navasakthi Vinayagar Temple - Luz Corner
Mylapore, Chennai - 600028. Phone - 24981772
Office timings - 10 AM to 6 PM

If you face any difficulties while making the payment, please contact S. Balaji at 096111-06167 or 098415-86167.

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