Saturday, February 28, 2009

Run Tomorrow - Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dear Chennai Runners

We are trying out a new starting point for our Sunday runs on a trail basis from tomorrow. We will start from Anna University and do the same classic run with option for some folks to do more within Anna University.

After the run, we will do a 'dutch breakfast' at the cafeteria which opens at 7:30 AM.

Date: March 1, 2009
Day: Sunday
Assemble by : 5.00 a.m
Start Time: 5.15 a.m (sharp)
Starting Location: Anna University - Out cricket grounds near the cafeteria.
Parking: Two options.. 1) Near the main entrance via Raj Bhavan Road 2) Near the side entrance via the Kotturpuram Road. There is plenty of parking available, however it will take 5 minutes walk to get to the starting point so give yourself sufficient time.
Route: Classic or Classic Plus
Distance - The total distance is about 15+ kms.. but you do what you are able to.. and remember.. you can always Do More.. and for that you should Start Running..

Happy Running!!!

Please confirm your participation...

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