Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Dear Runners,

Registrations for Apollo DKV ECR 9 Run is Open now.

Please visit the website and access the link provided at the right top section of the Home page or directly go to for the registration.

The registration would ask you to fill a mandatory personal details form. Submitting the personal details form will provide you an option to make the payment either online(Credit Card) or offline(Cash).

Instructions for making the payment:

Online Payment : This will be done through the secure Paypal payment site. Please provide the necessary details required to make the payment from the Paypal Site. The amount charged is 6 USD* for online registration (which includes 0.50 USD to defray the Paypal transaction charges).

Offline Payment: This would require you to handover the cash to one of the following persons listed below during the weekly or weekend runs

1. Ram Viswanathan
2. Ramesh Ponnuswami
3. Karthik Vijayakumar
4. Mohan Kumar

The last date for making the online payment is March 20th 2009 and offline payment is March 18th 2009. Spot registrations on the event day are not encouraged.

Please spread the word to your family members and friends by displaying the print out of the poster (Please click on the image on the top right corner of this post) at your workplace/fitness centres .

If you face any difficulties while making the payment, please contact Mohan Kumar at 09840075215.



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