Chennai Runners presents APOLLO DKV ECR 9 Run.
Date: March 22, 2009 (Sunday)
Start point: MGM Beach Resort
End point: MGM Beach Resort
Start Time: Since we have participation for different distances, It has been decided to stagger the start times. Details are given below
Event Start time
30 km - 5:15 am
20 km & 25 km - 5:30 am
10 km & 15 km - 5:45 am
5 km - 6:15 am
Assemble time:
Runners - The assembly time for the first event is 4:30 am. For all other events runners are requested to assemble at least 30 minutes before the start time to complete registration formalities.
Volunteers: Please assemble at the starting point at 4:30 am for a final briefing and assignments
Entry Fee: Rs.275/- Online Registration.
Breakfast @ MGM Beach Resorts 7:30 am onwards. The breakfast will be served at a separate area for the runners and not at the restaurant.
Car pooling
Those of you who wish to car pool may assemble outside Dimensions Gym on C P Ramaswamy Road (Adjacent to the Sony World Showroom) at 3:45 am. The cars will leave for the starting point at 4:00 am.
Those of you, who have been kind enough to volunteer, please assemble at the starting point by 4:30 am for a final briefing. All necessary supplies will be given at the starting point. There will be a car leaving from Dimensions Gym at 3:45 am to take volunteers to the starting point.
For all events the starting point is the same. South on ECR for 15 kms and turn around (Exact turn around point to be notified on the day of run).
Water points - There will be water stops every 2.5 km to provide water and drinks for the runners
Running Safety
This event is organized by Chennai runners. This is a running support group. Runners taking part in this event do so of their own volition. There are a few things to bear in mind while running on the East Coast Road.
1. The East coast road is a very busy highway with high speed vehicular traffic.
2. There are NO traffic restrictions. Runners run at their own risk.
3. Run on the right side of the road facing on-coming traffic
4. If you are running in a group, do not run abreast. Run in a single file.
5. DO NOT run if you are not medically fit. You and your physician are the only folks who can counsel you on that. Consult your doctor and listen to your body before embarking on the run.
6. STOP running and seek medical help if you feel uncomfortable at anytime during the run.
Identification - Please carry some form of identification on your person while running. This identification should have your name, address, blood group and emergency contact numbers
First aid - First aid kit will be available with the volunteers and runners are advised to make note of one of the volunteers for any emergency reasons.
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